Gregory Mahlon

Gregory Mahlon
Associate Professor, Physics
Sci-Tech, 315
Penn State Mont Alto | 1 Campus Drive | Mont Alto, PA 17237

Gregory Mahlon


Ph.D., physics, Cornell University, 1993
M.S., physics, Cornell University, 1991
B.S., physics Penn State University, 1987

Courses Taught

  • PHYS 1: The Science of Physics
  • PHYS 211: General Physics: Mechanics
  • PHYS 212: General Physics: Electricity and Magnetism
  • PHYS 213: General Physics: Fluids and Thermal Physics
  • PHYS 214: General Physics: Wave Motion and Quantum Physics
  • PHYS 250: Introductory Physics I
  • PHYS 251: Introductory Physics II

Faculty Scholarly Activities

  1. Gregory Mahlon and Stephen Parke, Spin Correlation Effects in Top Quark Pair Production at the LHC, Physical Review D81 (2010) 074024
  2. Gregory Mahlon and Stephen Parke, Using Spin Correlations to Distinguish Zh from ZA at the International Linear Collider, Physical Review D74 (2006) 073001
  3. C.S. Lam, Gregory Mahlon, and Wei Zhu, Saturation and Wilson line distributions, Physical Review D66 (2002) 074005

particle phenomenology (spin correlations, neutrinos)

Spin Correlations: Tevatron vs. LHC, Il Nuovo Cimento C - October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 11, 2010

Spin Correlation Effects in Top Quark Pair Production at the LHC, Physical Review D - April (2nd Quarter/Spring) 22, 2010

Using spin correlations to distinguish Zh from ZA at the International Linear Collider, Physical Review D - October (4th Quarter/Autumn) 3, 2006

Saturation and Wilson line distributions, Physical Review D - July (3rd Quarter/Summer), 2002

NonGaussian correlations in the McLerran-Venugopalan Model, Physical Review D - May 31, 2001

Longitudinal resolution in a large relativistic nucleus: Adding a dimension to the McLerran-Venugopalan model - November 9, 2000

Single top quark production at the LHC: Understanding spin, Physics Letters B - March 16, 2000

Color neutrality and the gluon distribution in a very large nucleus, Physical Review D - December 1, 1999

Deconstructing angular correlations in Z H, Z Z, and W W production at LEP-2 - August 7, 1998

Maximizing spin correlations in top quark pair production at the Tevatron - May 19, 1998

Ph D, physics, Cornell University

MS, physics, Cornell University

BS, physics, Penn State University